It’s time for a story, my friend. A Ciboulette Salao VR porn trans sort of one.
You are sleepy. And no wonder – after a long day at work your only wish is to go to bed and have a little bit of well-earned relaxation. Luckily, our lovely Ciboulette is right next to you, more than glad to lend a helping hand whenever it is necessary (quite literally, as you are about to find out). First of all, however, this lecherous ts babe decides to dull your vigilance by telling you a bedtime tale. Make no mistake, though – by no means is it going to be a story about magical fairies, noble princes or anything of this sort. Of course not – after all, we are in the shemale anal VR porn section. So, as soon as she starts your tenting willy lets you know something is off here. You just wanted to go to sleep but the words coming from Ciboulette’s mouth… make it difficult, to say the least. And then you start paying attention to her words… No castles. No “Far Far Away” kingdoms… She’s talking about debauchery – pure and simple.
Going to sleep? Forget about it. Not with Ciboulette Salao shemale VR porn.
It is too early for both of you to fall asleep, my horny friend. Not yet, at least. If you don’t trust my words, just go and ask your throbbing little soldier down there. Look – he is already ready to shoot and Ciboulette merely started. Needless to say, her plans include something much more passionate than mere storytelling. Ever heard of VR trans blowjob porn? That is precisely what is going to happen to you, my lad – whether you like it or not. So, better relax and allow Ciboulette Salao to work her wonders – she’s one of a kind when it comes to giving head, you’ve got my word on that.