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Anonymous1: Another reason @MrEqualizer needs to hang himself from a tree like the n i g g e r s he loves
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Mister_Black: @Anonymous1: Couldn't agree more with this statement.
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Anonymous2: Lol when a successful African screw's your waifu XD
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Anonymous3: Nice.
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Anonymous4: Lmao whitefags get mad even when the person the guy is fucking isn't a white girl
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Anonymous5: NiggerfaggotsNiggerfaggots
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Anonymous6: Coons and Pigs I hate them both, I wish to kill both. Wouldn't it be fun to kill them by chaining um up and disemboweling them?

And I'd like to hear some Rightist or leftist retard say otherwise.
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Anonymous7: Damn. You racist trolls need some serious mental health issues. Get help before you all end up overdosing on the drugs you take....or better yet...keep taking the drugs.
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Anonymous8: I guarantee you that this guy made this edit just to piss these guys off xD
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: it's a shame that your comment probably will be deleted, anyways I think the same way as you.
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samuraiidiot: It's their culture that has become garbage.
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samuraiidiot: attractive and successful African nagga! attractive and successful African nagga attractive and successful African! attractive and successful African nagga attractive and successful African like a sweet attractive and successful African jigga!
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Anonymous10: all you mutha fackas need jesus now stfu so i can fap
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous:

>muh strawmerinosssss

Yeah, because the thing that makes CP so fucking vile is some abstract concept of morality and not, oh, I dunno, the actual harm done to actual living children.

Fucking zoomers need to turn off their computer and remember cartoons aren't real, ergo, any sperging against them is morally vacuous and just fucking stupid.
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Anonymous12(11): @Anonymous: Keep on projecting, sweaty.
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Anonymous13: Chel isn't even a white girl so why would people get mad
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Anonymous14: Because N1gg3rs are the biggest HYPOCRITES! They cry like little girls when a white man fucks a black bitch. Look at any porn sites comments and ratings and you'll see blacks bitching about hiw she should be fucking a "black dick instead" or give it a low rating/thumbs down. Its funny as fuck and pathetic. Its called *insecurity*. Not all monkeys have big dicks. It pisses them off a german man like me is getting black cunt. (And black women bitch about how the myth aint true,they cant last,they are disrespectful and always cheat)
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous14: one most of those comments are white cuck holds most black people aren’t like that. Two chel is native american
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Anonymous16: lol its funny watching all you low vibrational individuals argue amongst yourselves in this 3D perception of reality you're all stuck in. Saddly most of you won't be making it into rhe 5D earth frequency this december.
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Anonymous17: Twitter
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: When reddit tries to meme. We need a reddit shoah.

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