Updated March 14, 2023
Welcome to the first guide on the internet on how to watch VR porn on the PSVR (Playstation VR) and PSVR 2. We are keeping this updated with the latest.
If you’ve managed to get a PSVR 2 (or PS5 VR) and want to get started with VRPorn, this is the right place. The PSVR 2 is leaps and bounds above the original PSVR. PSVR 2 is sporting two OLED displays with HDR support and a resolution of 2000 x 2040 each compared to the original PSVR’s 960 x 1080 per eye. Using eye-tracking, you’ll also be able to take advantage of foveated rendering to get sharper images than ever before. Visual fidelity isn’t the only thing getting an upgrade. With the addition of inside-out tracking, PSVR 2 no longer requires base stations, and their new Sense Controllers come with lots of features to help further immerse you in VR, like adaptive triggers, haptic feedback, and finger touch detection.
Although it’s currently impossible to stream VR videos on PSVR and PSVR 2, you can still enjoy full VR Porn videos with a little bit of preparation.
How to Download and Watch VR Porn Videos on PSVR 2 (and 1)
Disclaimer – The new PSVR 2 doesn’t support VR video yet. RadTV has confirmed on Twitter and discord that they will receive the necessary support from Sony to update their app within a couple of weeks. We will remove this disclaimer as soon as we confirm that PSVR 2 is functional, so check back to stay current.
- Download VR Videos using a PC or laptop.
- Save the videos to a separate folder on a USB drive. The folder must be named Littlstar
- Insert the USB drive into the PS4/PS5
- Download the Rad TV app. (Search the Playstation store)
- In the sidebar menu, select “Library” followed by “Sideloaded” to find your Littlstar folder.
- Enjoy the first 2 minutes of any video for free or upgrade the Rad app to view full videos.
Real 3D VR Porn now works on Playstation VR!. PSU.com coverage here.
Official LittlStar (Rad TV) Setup and File Instructions
You can play all VR videos on Rad TV. If it doesn’t play as intended, make sure your file endings are like this:
- 180 left-right 3D video: _180_lr.mp4
- 360 left-right 3D video: _360_lr.mp4
- 180 top-bottom 3D video: _180_tb.mp4
- 360 top-bottom 3D video: _360_tb.mp4
- 360 no 3d: no filename change needed
Good studios with 180 degree, 3D (SBS) videos.
180 degree 3D VR video is the current industry standard. Try them for free on VRPorn.com. Choose the PSVR Compatible or HD download button.
Great 360 degree videos.
If you’re looking for something that isn’t possible in 180 degrees, there is a large library of 360 degrees VR content available to you here on VRPorn.com. You don’t have to change the filenames for these videos either, they’re already correctly named. They work automatically on the Rad TV player.
We are very excited about the PSVR 2 launch and we are committed to continuing to support PSVR 2 on our site.
We have been keeping the leading Playstation site PSU.com up to date with articles here and here. And our blog has recently been focused on PSVR Porn here and here.
I think it’s time to update this article…
Now that psvr2 can play 3d videos, when can we expect a download option for it ?
on PSVR2 at last from 02 September 2024
I took out a subscription on your site to watch videos on PSVR2 and it still doesn’t work. I paid for nothing, it’s not very commercial.
Did you read this post?
Disclaimer – The new PSVR 2 doesn’t support VR video yet. RadTV has confirmed on Twitter and discord that they will receive the necessary support from Sony to update their app within a couple of weeks. We will remove this disclaimer as soon as we confirm that PSVR 2 is functional, so check back to stay current.
To be perfectly honest, they have been saying that for more than 7 months. With Rad saying that the psvr2 is – Already – working with Vr videos on their twitter. The truth of the matter is, this is probably never going to happen. I sold my psvr2 and bought quest 2 and I can confirm that it works.
Rad teases the PSVR2 functionality on Twitter. It is NOT active yet. This is from the RAD Discord today. The most recent update.
—We found a few bugs during testing and have to squash them before we can call this build a candidate for release. Our lead dev is working on getting them squared away.
RAD has been fully transparent about the progress with Sony. They are getting close.
Still can’t watch videos on PSVR2?
Not yet. I see this on the RAD discord. “We have continued to make great progress with Sony, which is where we’re at now. They helped us figure out a frame buffer rendering issue which is now resolved. We have been going back and forth with them to squash bugs. We are getting very close!”